Benefits of Professional Printed Circuit Board Assembly

Posted 10/5/2020 by AdvancedPCB
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Are you searching for a way to get your circuit boards assembled and ready for the masses? Maybe you need to have a large number of boards ready to go for a new product your company is creating. Perhaps you only need a handful of the boards right now for a test run. You might even be looking for a single prototype that you can test. Instead of attempting to take care of the assembly of the boards on your own, you should instead consider professionally printed circuit board assembly. As you will see below, there are some nice advantages when you are using professionals.

High-Quality Materials and Assembly

When working with a professional company for printed circuit board assembly, they will typically be using the best possible materials and assembly tools for the job. While this may not be true of all companies offering these services, the reputable companies that have been around for a while will. Choosing a company that can offer the best materials and that provides topnotch assembly services helps to ensure that the final product is perfect.

Naturally, you want to be sure that the circuit boards you are using are the best quality they can be before you start to use them or sell them. Choosing professionals rather than trying to assemble them on your own, in-house, will help to ensure this.

Find Errors Early

Even those who have been designing printed circuit boards for years can make mistakes during their design. A mistake that is followed for all of the circuit boards that are constructed would mean a huge error that could cost your company a lot of money. Rather than letting this happen, you could be working with a professional for the printed circuit board assembly.

At AdvancedPCB, for example, we have engineers test the design – even after you have tested it – just to be sure that there are no issues that could crop up down the line. This provides you with the peace of mind you need to go ahead with the full assembly. You will know that the boards will work properly once they have been assembled.

The software that is available through our company is free, and it can do more than just help you design a circuit. It helps to make it easier and reduces the risk of errors. When the boards are submitted, we will check to ensure that they have been designed correctly. The earlier the errors are detected, the better. It means that you can fix those problems before you go into full manufacturing mode.

Save Time

Consider how much time you would be spending if you had to manufacture and assemble all of the PCBs at your own facility. You would need to hire extra people just to keep up with the manufacturing and assembly needs. It would take up a lot of time that could better be spent working on other aspects of your company. It makes far more sense to hire professionals for the printed circuit board assembly. They can take care of the assembly, whether you need one PCB or you are in the market for thousands of boards.

Reduced Manufacturing Costs

Additionally, consider the manufacturing costs that you would have to incur if you assembled the boards on your own. You would need to have a large space available for the printed circuit board assembly. You would have buy all of the materials and tools needed, and more. You would likely be spending far more money than if you had just hired a professional company to take care of the assembly of the boards for you.

You can talk with companies like AdvancedPCB to get an estimate of how much it will cost for the PCBs that are needed. When you compare this with the cost of increasing the size of your facility and hiring more people for the printed circuit board assembly, you will see why outsourcing is such a good idea.

Turnaround Time Can Be Fast

One of the reasons that some companies still consider in-house printed circuit board assembly is because they worry that another company won’t be able to help them meet their deadlines. This is not necessarily true. When you choose a company that is known for having a fast turnaround time, you can get the boards in a matter of days in many cases. Of course, it will depend on just how many of the PCBs are needed and the company you choose for assembly.

Shipped Directly to You

Once the printed circuit board assembly has been completed, the manufacturer can have them shipped right to your door. The shipping time can vary, but when you choose a quality manufacturer like AdvancedPCB, it tends to be fast. This means you will be getting the circuit boards you need quickly.

Choose AdvancedPCB for PCB Needs

Naturally, you will want to be sure that you are choosing only the best for your printed circuit board assembly. You should take the time to consider just what the company offers, along with how fast they will be able to provide you with the completed boards. Price, of course, is another factor. You want to choose a good company that remains affordable and that can provide quality customer service.

Now that you know more about the benefits that are associated with using a professional for printed circuit board assembly, it’s time to find a company that can provide you with what you need. At AdvancedPCB, we strive to provide our customers with the best service and products from start to finish.

Whether you simply need a prototype, you have a short run that you need, or you are looking for a substantial number of boards, we can help. Get in touch with us today.

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