Simple Steps to Quality Circuit Design

Posted 1/5/2021 by AdvancedPCB
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Circuit design can be complex in today’s world. The more complex people want their electronic devices to be, the more complex the circuits need to be. Therefore, you’ll need to take certain steps with your circuit design to ensure the fastest path to a workable circuit. Below are the steps that you’ll want to take that will make the design process easier. These steps can help you to save both time and money.

Using the Right Software for the Design

One of the benefits of technology is that it has made many aspects of circuit design faster and easier. In the past, the design could take a long time simply because of the tools being used. However, quality software in recent decades has helped to streamline the process. This makes it possible for engineers and even amateur circuit designers to put together workable designs in a fraction of the time it used to take.

You always want to start with the right software, but you don’t want to spend a fortune on it. To make matters easier and more affordable for you, AdvancedPCB offers PCB Artist. This is design software that will make laying out and designing PCBs much easier.

The software contains a library with more than half a million parts. It also features native Eagle import, multi-page schematics, a controlled autorouter, and the ability to create circuits with up to 28 layers. The software is easy to use and contains a host of features to make the process of circuit design simple. Best of all, this software is entirely free. It can be downloaded and will run on most computers without issue.

When you use the software, you can create a design in less time and with less expense than you would with other pieces of software. You can also submit your design to AdvancedPCB for review. The engineers can see whether it has any issues and can fix them or point them out to you before you place an order.

Why You Need to Prototype

Too often, people and companies try to rush through the design process even though they know better. They want to get their products to market as soon as possible. However, this often backfires on them. They end up with a lackluster design that’s not as good as it could be. Yet, they’ve already moved on with manufacturing and now have thousands of those circuits they need to use.

All of this could have been avoided had they only taken more time with the design and ordered prototypes to see how they work when they are used in real scenarios. Once you have a design that you like, place an order for the prototype. When you order through AdvancedPCB, there is no minimum order. It makes it easy for you to get a couple of prototypes that you can test.

Take a moment to think about the problems that could arise if you don’t take the time and put in the effort to prototype. You could get PCBs that you believe are ready to go. You might add them to the devices you’re selling, package them, and ship them out to your customers. Everything might seem right on track for a month or so, and then the PCBs start to show design problems. While it’s always possible for a PCB to fail for one reason or another, there shouldn’t be mass problems across all of your devices. If this happens, how many more times do you think your customers will buy from you?

This could cost you a lot of money, all because you didn’t take the time to get the design right. It’s often better to slow down on the design process to ensure that the circuit design will work properly.

Get the Circuit Design Right

Make sure you have a circuit that is capable of doing exactly what you need it to do. Get your prototype and put it through the rigors of the real world, so you can see how it behaves. Make notes and see if there is anything else you might need to do to the circuit design to improve it.

If you find some elements you could fix, move back to the design stage, and then get another prototype. If you are certain the design is as perfect as it can be, however, you can move on to the manufacturing stage.

AdvancedPCB Offers Manufacturing

You’ll be happy to know that AdvancedPCB does more than just provide quality software, engineering review, and creation of your prototypes. We’re a full facility that can manufacture as many circuits as you might need. If you are a small company or an individual, just order what you need. If you have a larger company and you need to place an order for thousands or tens of thousands of PCBs, we can help with that, as well.

You won’t have to wait long to get your boards, either. We’re the third-largest PCB manufacturer in the United States, and this means that we can provide you with a fast turnaround no matter how many PCBs you order. We can take care of the manufacturing and assembly of all of your printed circuit boards and ship them right to your door.

We pride ourselves on being a reliable company and providing our customers with the best service possible. This is why we provide free quality software for circuit design. Buyers will also be happy to know that we aren’t a broker. We don’t farm the assembly and manufacturing process out to others. We do everything right in our own facility.

AdvancedPCB has the best on-time PCB shipping record, so you can be sure you’ll get your PCBs when needed. And, because we’ve been around for many years, we’re financially stable. You won’t have to worry about us disappearing in the middle of an order. Get in touch for a quote today to see what we can do for you.

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