Turnkey PCB Assembly Made Easy

Posted 1/24/2020 by AdvancedPCB
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Any firm that uses PCBs knows that quality is the most important factor. It is the PCB that runs whatever gear or object it has been fitted into, and so a well-made PCB is essential. Yet, many of the firms using PCBs want a streamlined solution, and so a turnkey PCB assembly process is highly appealing. Unfortunately, this is hardly a fast or rapid process.

Why should turnkey PCB assembly be a challenge? There are many steps involved. Just consider a few of them:

  • Initial design
  • Output to design for manufacturing or DFM checks
  • Film creation
  • Mapping of copper paths
  • V-scoring
  • Testing, and all of the phases between and after

Not surprisingly, any firm that offers same-day turnarounds for turnkey PCB assembly seems like an impossible thing, but at AdvancedPCB, we offer just that, and more.

A One-Stop Turnkey PCB Assembly, Design and Shipping Shop

We offer more than 25 years in the circuit boards industry and rank among the largest of the one-stop solutions for manufacturers in need of prototypes, stencils, supplies, and turnkey PCB assembly. We operate within a facility that includes tens of thousands of square feet of production space and offer clients a turnkey PCB assembly system that includes everything from design testing and submission to packing and shipping.

We offer clients such vital services and options as:

  • One day PCB – We are one of the few PCB makers that can manufacture and assemble circuit boards and ship them out in as little as a single day.
  • Full support – Unlike many other manufacturers, our team works with orders of any size, every step of the way. We begin with a quote based on initial design uploads, and take a project to final production and turnkey PCB assembly phases.
  • Quality – Our design process is not of the “no-touch” variety where the designs are sent in and run into production right away. Every single order (whether one-off or thousands of PCBs) gets our full CAM review, as well as visual inspections of the final circuit boards produced.
  • Transparent pricing – Also unlike many other producers, we do not ask for stenciling fees, setup fees, and other hidden, but ultimately unnecessary, charges on turnkey PCB assembly projects.

We are truly a one-stop system, ensuring a seamless process under one roof. Clients’ orders or projects remain in the hands of our engineers from beginning to end, and even before, as we have 24-hour service offered by authentic CAM engineers who take questions at all hours. Without any outside vendors (we are not a broker) and with production and full turnkey PCB assembly in a single space, there are almost no risks of delays, problems, and mistakes.

What We Include in Turnkey PCB Assembly

The speed and ease offered by a turnkey PCB assembly team are invaluable, but we also make some incredibly handy resources available too.

  • PCB Artist Software – The cost of PCB design software is part of doing business, and it can be a huge expense. AdvancedPCB’s clients enjoy free use of our proprietary design software (an industry best) in an unrestricted format and entirely for free. It downloads to the desktop (Windows only at this time) and offers up to 28 layers in a single design. The program has over 500k parts from which to choose, integrates a controlled auto-router function to speed up design processes, and offers multi-page schematics for more complex projects. With a complete library of tutorials to train those using the program, there is almost no learning curve and even if errors are made, there are steps to the turnkey PCB assembly process that catch mistakes before
  • Ordering through the software – When a client runs the proprietary software available through the site, we also provide them with a discount for ordering through it at the same time. Designs still get a CAM engineer review and crucial checks for errors, too.
  • FreeDFM – For those already using a CAM program, turnkey PCB assembly is still supported by this design testing option. Files are imported as Gerber files (industry standard) and then loaded to the online software. This will review the entire file, correct any problems, and generate a report indicating changes or potential problems.
  • No minimum orders – Whether a client needs a prototype or a large run, there’s no worry about minimums, ever.
  • CAM Engineer Evaluations – All products are evaluated by one of our in-house engineers long before production begins, to spare clients any costly mistakes.
  • Customers get authentic tech support – We go beyond basic customer support and offer turnkey PCB assembly clients the opportunity to troubleshoot with the help of a CAM engineer available 24 hours a day.
  • Premier shipping – Any turnkey PCB assembly orders come with the BEST ON-TIME SHIPPING in the industry, and we are now shipping 50% of orders early! In fact, we ship Standard Spec orders on time or they’re FREE!

No Outsourcing with AdvancedPCB: We Proudly Produce & Stand Behind Our Work

It is a frustrating truth that most manufacturers face the risk of outsourcing on almost anything they use or buy. Outsourcing is no longer limited to customer service and other phone service options alone, and if it is turnkey PCB assembly that is in question, the risks of trouble increase with outsourcing. From errors or flaws in the design process, to manufacturing glitches that result in wasted money and time, it is unwise to look to brokered or outsourced solutions for a turnkey PCB assembly process.

Working with AdvancedPCB means buyers get the kinds of hands-on results that are so important and desirable. With us, all circuit board designs pass through a series of rigorous examinations long before production begins. We are not a broker but are instead a reliable one-stop solution; making everything in-house, eliminating production problems and supplying turnkey PCB assembly and results required for success.

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